Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Holy Rain Ponchos, Batman!

P-day is wonderful haha. We took a two hour nap, played with a puzzle, wrote home, etc. It was super nice. Back to work tomorrow though! Woot woot!
Today felt super long for some reason. Nothing necessarily bad happened, but I just felt dead tired. We went to Sister M’s house to discuss the sisters who aren’t receiving visits from visiting teachers. We had to take our car to a dealership to fix our battery, which kind of threw off everything we had planned. Not the most productive day, but it was because of circumstances outside of our control which was kind of a bummer. Hopefully tomorrow goes more according to plan!
We then biked to the W’s house and at that point in time we were both dripping with sweat haha. It’s super hot, and all that biking makes us incredibly sticky. We were able to take a water break at the W’s house, then we helped a girl move her stuff into her car. She kept talking about how this is the thing she’s been needing in her life to help her change. And that’s exactly what  the Atonement does!
Later we stopped by a woman who converted over 30 years ago with her mother and sisters. Her mother died a loyal, active member of the  church, however Sister stopped attending our church about 3 years ago and she started going back to her old Catholic church. We were told that she stopped attending ours because she missed the Catholic culture she had grown up with, but we got the truth out of her today and it was honestly pretty heartbreaking. She told us about how her husband wasn’t a member, and she was able to remain faithful when her mother was a member and as she took her kids growing up, but now her mother’s dead and her kids left the church. She was tired of going to church alone. The only way her husband said he’d go to church at all is if it were the Catholic church. She faithfully went to the LDS church alone for years and years, but finally gave in. I admire her strength. I’ve made a promise to myself that I will have a temple marriage. If I ever find someone crazy enough to marry me, he’s going to have to be a worthy priesthood holder. And although I do hope he loves me more than anyone else, I hope he loves the Lord even more.
                We exchanged back today! It was so good to be with Sister E. Though one of the first things that happened is it started pouring rain, and I dropped my planner. As I type this, Sister E is ironing my pages for me since they’re all wet and curling and runny. When it happened I just started crying so she got me a peanut butter fudge milkshake. Sister E is the best. Milkshakes fix even the worst days.
                After dinner it started raining, so Sister W brought Sister E and I trash bags we fashioned into ponchos since we were biking haha. It was super glamorous. I’m sure I’ll find a way to send pictures home soon. Biking in the rain at night was kind of scary, but we have a ton of lights on our bike so we’re pretty safe. I love biking! I want to have a bike when I go back to BYU. It’s pretty great exercise, and it feels so free. I love Yorktown! J

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